Our Story

The real estate market is rapidly changing, but one thing remains constant - exceptional customer service. The foundation upon which Francis Property Management is built.

Having experienced working in the real estate market across three continents, we swiftly realised that the market in the West Midlands, UK, whilst robust and diverse, lacked two pivotal elements. An agent who will respond swiftly to your initial enquiry, return your missed call promptly, make themselves available to you and never have you feel as though you are an imposition upon their working day. The second, a fully maximised profit margin for your properties. The market is moving, it’s dynamic and there is always some extra give in the margins. What we offer to you is an agent willing to put their reputation on the line and their fees where their mouth is - we will negotiate with your best interests at heart and your bottom line, our top priority.

Whilst our services currently cover commercial lettings and homes in multiple occupancy, if you believe like we do, in customer interactions with the customer at heart, and have a unique offering that you think we could get the most out of for you, please contact us on 07591 168 608.